
What is Content? & Why Does it Matter?

One of the problems with the term 'Content' is that few people outside of the self-designated Enterprise Content Management (ECM) field understand what it means. Ironically most end users have more personal experience with the types of Unstructured or Semi-structured Information that we designate as Content - namely electronic documents, email, pictures and videos - than they do with Structured Information in databases. They create data by their actions (e.g. buying shoes online) but have little sense of what is happening 'under the covers.'

With the recent growth of OpenText into the adjacent market of Business Process Management and Analysis software through the acquisitions of Metastorm and Global360, I have found myself having to explain the term 'Content' as well as why it matters to organizations. For that reason this new video is very timely:

Of course you can go into more detail, and specifically you have to talk about how content plays a role in most business processes. I did that last week in my talk to Knowledge Managers in Toronto.


News on OpenText Online - a new journey blog

Some time ago we started to use OpenText Online as an umbrella description for a number of external Open Text sites: http://online.opentext.com/. While that name stuck for Communities, it didn’t for the Knowledge Center, My Tickets (Customer Self Serve or CSS), and Solutions Central (since been retired).

I’m glad to say the pace has picked up again. Now we’ll be merging the Communities and the Knowledge Center sites, and linking them more tightly with our WWW site. You may have seen the new look of the My Tickets site if you have a support account.

There are many ‘moving parts’ to this project. One of these is to merge user accounts and convert the usernames to email addresses.
  • The first phase of this work, linking download rights from WWW to Communities accounts, has already been completed
  • Soon the Knowledge Center accounts will be merged as well
From that point on you should only have one account with OpenText.

There’s lots more that will be happening and we thought you’d like to follow along.  You’ll be able to get the best out of the sites when you understand what’s happening. You may also learn a few content management tricks along our journey  ;-)

So we created a new blog:

Presently you can find it here: http://blogs.opentext.com/blogslist/resolver.vcarp/blog/1.11.722/OpenText_Online#, but it will soon be syndicated elsewhere.

There will be many contributors and content will be added on a regular basis.

Oh – there’ll be lots of videos. I think you’ll enjoy the first one from my colleagues Karen Weir in her first post: